Spoondrift Radio—The Return: Sunday, June 26, 2016
Welcome one and all to our new and improved online radio stream with your host, DJ Grei.
Spoondrift Radio is an online radio stream dedicated to bringing the highest quality in Electronic Music and rotating guest DJs with your host, DJ Grei.
– Cool your heals to the breath-taking tonal rhythms of DJ Grei as he takes you on a journey deep within…, featuring tonal rhythms inspired by the psychedelic and goa trance comunity.
GREI :: Indigo | Triplag Music | Every Element :: Cascadia, US
https://greilark.com/ – http://facebook.com/
Grei (Shepherd Grei), living in Seattle, is renowned for his talents as a DJ and events coordinator on down-tempo, mid-drifts, and psychedelic trance since 1999. He has a tendancy to perk the ears of some of the most hardened electronic music veterans, dropping breakbeats, experimental rhtyhms, dnb, techno, and electro.
WHEN: Sundays at 7pm, PST – Beginning June 26th, 2016.
WHERE: http://www.amitigroup.com/
HOW: Online streaming or with the AGR Omnicast Radio app mobile app available for Android OS.
WHY: To fill the the gaps and make something special.
LIVE CHAT: A Live chat available during the stream on Amiti’s website for those that wish to socialize.
Special thanks to our friends at Amiti Group and MFYoloPotato or making this possible and there continued support. See you all soon!