
Spoondrift Radio is an online radio stream dedicated to bringing the highest quality in Electronic Music and rotating guest DJs with your host, Grei.

For those that may had known, LeoHawk of Shaman Electro Records was going to be our guests, however due to unforseen events, there has been a hold on the set. He will be back, so stay tuned!

This week we will be airing Grei’s mix from his dub-tempo, trip-hop and downbeat set performed live at Webbwerx and Deep C’s event, “Gotta Catch ‘eM aLL”! I will be in the amitigroup chat for questions comments and discussion.

Grei (Indigo / Every Element) Seattle, WA

Grei (Shepherd Grei), living in Seattle, is renowned for his talents as a DJ and events coordinator with Indigo, Molecular and Triplag Music with the underground electronic music scene since 1999. Grei has been on the heels of cultivation through electronic music’s breakbeat science and vibrations that reach back to the early 90s. He earns his respect by having a fresh approach to the platform in the search for the new sound and pushing the envelope.


Spoondrift Radio: Sundays at 7pm, PST
Live at

LIVE CHAT: A Live chat available for those that want to socialize, also available at

MOBILE APP: Online streaming or with the AGR Omnicast Radio app available for Android OS.

Special thanks to our friends at MFyolopotato and Amiti Group for their continued support.

If you have a mix you would like to submit, or if you are interested in coming out to Spoondrift Studios, send me a private message and we’ll see if we can get you on the show.