Spoondrift Radio presents a Triplag Music 10 year anniversary event, featuring an exclusive interview with Yuvin Shetty a.k.a. ParasitE on the new compilation “Shamanic Moments” plus a promo mix with the new compilation.
ParasitE (Triplag Music, JellyFish Recordings, Sonic Tantra Recs), Dubai
Yuvin Shetty, hailing from Dubai, we will go into a deep dive with Yuvin’s background, learn about the new comp, discuss his inspirations in classical indian to metal, and where the styles of goa, psychedelic trance and the electronic music culture is heading.
Please note that due to the time differences, this broadcast has been pre-recorded. I will be answering questions in chat.
After the interview, your earbuds will get a taste of what ParasitE has cooked up for us, as well a sneak peak into some of Yuvin’s next work on an upcoming e.p of his own.
Shamanic Moments is a fundraising compilation to keep the music alive and on the radio. This is a collection of specially crafted psychedelic music to honour the forces of nature, giving the listeners insights into higher and deeper dimensions to recognize and understand revelations.
For more information on the release of Shamanic Moments, visit Triplag Music’s website at: http://triplag.com
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Spoondrift Radio, hosted by Grei. – Tuesdays 7pm, PST
blog/updates: https://greilark.com